Hello, this is the office of Incheon GreenEnerTEC. We are currently recruiting companies specializing in carbon neutrality and renewable energy in Incheon, which aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. We introduce Incheon GreenEnerTEC , where innovative technologies and ideas converge to secure export and investment opportunities, as well as to establish new business partnerships
Overview of the Exhibition
▢ Exhibition Overview
ο Event Name: Incheon GreenEnerTec 2024
ο Special Pavilion: 'Eco & Challenge Construction Industry Climate Change Response Conference and Exhibition' in collaboration with POSCO E&C
ο Duration: October 30th (Wed) to November 1st (Fri), 2024 (3 days)
ο Opening Hours: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Closing time on the last day: 4:00 PM )
ο Venue: Incheon Songdo Convensia, Halls 3 and 4
ο Scale: 8,605 square meters (100 companies, 281 booths)
ο Organizers: Incheon Tourism Organization, GMEG
ο Sponsors (Planned): Ministry of Environment,Ministry of SMEs and Startups(MSS) , Korea Water Resources Corporation, Korea Environment Corporation, Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute, SUDOKWON Landfill Site Management Corp, Incheon Environmental Corporation, Korea Environment Conservation Institute, Korea Environmental Industry Association, Gyeongin Machinery Industry Cooperative Association, Korea Environmental Technology Association, Future Carbon Neutrality Forum, Korea Solar Energy Industry Association, Korea Wind Energy Industry Association, Korea Renewable Energy Association, Korea Energy Convergence Association, Korea RE100 Taskforce, Korea Plastics Industry Cooperative Association, Korea Waste-to-Energy Technology Council, Korea Waste Resources Circulation Society
▢ Exhibition Items
- Circular Economy: Recycling of waste materials, Waste treatment technology, Waste management, Product recycling, etc.
- Carbon Neutrality: Carbon capture, Eco-friendly industries, Marine, Biogas, etc.
- Energy: Wind power, Solar energy, Hydroelectric power, Renewable energy, etc.
- Climate Change & Fine Dust: Atmospheric purification, Pollution prevention, Hazardous gas treatment, Air quality improvement, Measurement and analysis equipment, etc.
- Water Resources: Water quality, Seawater desalination, Sewage/wastewater treatment, Livestock wastewater treatment, Drinking water treatment, etc.
▢ Business Consultation Conference
- Expected participation of 30 representatives from KOTRA Incheon Support Team.
Category | Details |
Export Consultation Conference | - Export Consultation Conference for Overseas Environmental Buyers
- Export Consultation and Exchange Meeting for ASEAN and Middle East Markets
Purchase Consultation Conference | |
Investment Consultation Conference | - VC Investment Consultation and Conference
▢ Additional Events
- GreenEnerTec ESG Conference
- Technical Presentation
- Commemoration Ceremony and Seminar for Environmental Engineers' Day
- Eco & Challenge Construction Industry Climate Change Response Conference
▢ Application Procedure and Participation Inquiry Incheon GreenEnerTEC Office
T. 070-7700-0013 E. greenenertec@gmeg.kr
After completing the registration form, please submit one copy of your business registration certificate via email.
※ Click here for the download link of the registration form.
Thank you.
Overview of the Exhibition
▢ Exhibition Overview
ο Event Name: Incheon GreenEnerTec 2024
ο Special Pavilion: 'Eco & Challenge Construction Industry Climate Change Response Conference and Exhibition' in collaboration with POSCO E&C
ο Duration: October 30th (Wed) to November 1st (Fri), 2024 (3 days)
ο Opening Hours: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Closing time on the last day: 4:00 PM )
ο Venue: Incheon Songdo Convensia, Halls 3 and 4
ο Scale: 8,605 square meters (100 companies, 281 booths)
ο Organizers: Incheon Tourism Organization, GMEG
ο Sponsors (Planned): Ministry of Environment,Ministry of SMEs and Startups(MSS) , Korea Water Resources Corporation, Korea Environment Corporation, Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute, SUDOKWON Landfill Site Management Corp, Incheon Environmental Corporation, Korea Environment Conservation Institute, Korea Environmental Industry Association, Gyeongin Machinery Industry Cooperative Association, Korea Environmental Technology Association, Future Carbon Neutrality Forum, Korea Solar Energy Industry Association, Korea Wind Energy Industry Association, Korea Renewable Energy Association, Korea Energy Convergence Association, Korea RE100 Taskforce, Korea Plastics Industry Cooperative Association, Korea Waste-to-Energy Technology Council, Korea Waste Resources Circulation Society
▢ Exhibition Items
▢ Business Consultation Conference
▢ Additional Events
▢ Application Procedure and Participation Inquiry Incheon GreenEnerTEC Office
T. 070-7700-0013 E. greenenertec@gmeg.kr
After completing the registration form, please submit one copy of your business registration certificate via email.
※ Click here for the download link of the registration form.
Thank you.